Dharma The Cat Cartoon Ebook

“Dharma The Cat – Philosophy With Fur”

Dharma The Cat – Philosophy With Fur

Spirituality + Planet Earth Bound Forms + Zen Buddhism + Delightful Humor + Philosophy + Creaturely Love = Dharma The Cat

Image result for images of The Glass Is Already Broken

Image result for images of The Glass Is Already Broken


I will tell you who “Dharma The Cat Cartoon Ebook” will appeal to…. people just like me!  I’m on a path all my own, searching for Enlightenment, meditating, striving to Go Into The Emptiness…

But I’m also earthbound, full of my physical self and my resistant ego, although I’m  trying to let go of it, [Leggo my Ego!] and I have a cute, beautiful, funny cat that I love, love, Love! These cartoons are funny, thought-provoking and sweet and they appeal people of all ages and walks of life.

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: "Sometimes when you think you're teaching others, they're teaching you!"
DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: “Sometimes when you think
you’re teaching others, they’re teaching you!”

“It’s havoc, farce and mayhem on the rocky path to nirvana,
with a Buddhist cat, a novice monk and a mouse hell-bent on cheese!”

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: “Comparisons are odious!”

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      With each cartoon, Dharma The Cat, always the King Of Cool, hands down his wry observations on the misfortunes of being born a human, while bemusedly watching young Bodhi struggling with his over-earnestness.  And Siam The Mouse also puts her two cents worth in, giving young Bodhi the novice monk some extra spiritual challenges he doesn’t really need.

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