Easyazon-Amazon WordPress Plugin

Easy Azon

“Wow, what a time-saving money-maker!”Image result for images of happy people on computer

It’s a cliche but it’s true: “Time Is Money.” Well, money is money too, and EasyAzon4 is a powerful tool that can Save You Time, AND Help You Make More Money!

You don’t want to miss out on Amazon Commissions you deserve but you also don’t want to waste valuable time creating Amazon affiliate links. Well, EasyAzon4 is your complete Amazon Affiliate Link Tool for WordPress! With the EasyAzon Amazon Affiliate WordPress plugin, you’ll have the ability to create high conversion Amazon links easier and faster than ever before!


  • Control your affiliate links through site defaults or on an individual link by link basis. You have complete control without fussing with or knowing how to code.

  • Easily set links to open in a new window, cloak for SEO purposes, apply a no follow attribute, display a product pop-up, prompt a user to add an item to their shopping cart, and automatically localize affiliate links.


  • You can create affiliate links or enable link localization for any country Amazon has an affiliate program in including: United States, Canda, China, France, Germany, India*, Italy, Japan, Spain and United Kingdom. (*Must be resident at this time, but this may change)

  • EasyAzon 4 has a built in automatic link localizer that will take your Amazon affiliate link and display a link for the Amazon locale based on who is visiting your website – Huge commission booster!

  • Literally check one single box in the EasyAzon 4 settings to automatically localize your affiliate links and cash in on wasted international traffic

  • Sign up for other Amazon affiliate programs (free to join and you can use the same website you used before) to participate in link localization.

We’re also bringing even more value to
EasyAzon with this extra bonus…

Your Bonus – 2017 Ultimate Amazon Guide – $47 value

       This is like no course you’ve seen before when it comes to making MONEY 

with the Amazon Affiliate Program



This course is completely up to date when it comes to building an Amazon Affiliate website that actually makes money.

With this 2017 version, not only do you walked through everything from buying a domain name and setting up your website, but it also includes the best tools to use for keyword research, link building and much more.

Yes, I mentioned link building!

With every year holding new updates from Google, you will need the best link building plan out there, and while it may seem that strategized link building is dead, it’s actually completely alive and well. It’s simply different now (and completely white hat).

In module 7, you don’t just learn the best and most legit link building strategies out there now, but you will get tons more info on driving traffic to your site.

With over 13,000 words, images, and videos, this bonus is sure to help you on your way to a moneymaking website.

Get EasyAzon 4 today to start saving time and making more money from your Amazon affiliate links! Click here now!